See more ideas about Sims 4, Sims, Sims 4 cc. Explore SpringSims’s board ‘The Sims 4 // Urban & Ethnic CC’, followed by 1015 people on Pinterest.I like it because its a very ambiguous hairstyle so you could not only use it on Caucasian sims, but African American, Creole, Latin American, etc. She just released a new hair called the Claire Hairstyle. She makes hairs that fit the style of the Sims 4. Kiara24 is one of the best (in my opinion) EA hair creators out there.Find friends and even find amazing artists here. Yes complete hair pack is also included in the sims 4 maxis match hair. Sims 4 updates the sims4 custom content downloads. explore springsims s board the sims 4 urban ethnic cc followed by 900 people on pinterest. 14 comments: yourmumswhitevalentinobag December 27. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. MALE AND FEMALE ETHNIC HAIRS, CLOTHES + MORE 120 + ITEMS! THE SIMS 4 - CC SHOPPING WEBSITES VISITED LILSIMSIE. It’s one of the first things you get to customize and agonize over, because who’s ever satisfied with just 43 hairstyle choices? The crowning glory of every Sim is a good hairstyle.